Andaman & Nicobar Activities

Fuel Storage Facility was inaugurated at CGDHQ-09 on 13 Jan 2020 by Shri Jiwesh Nandan, IAS, Additional Secretary, MoD.

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Inauguration of Fuel Depot

IDAS Officers and IAS Officers visited onboard ICGS Vishwast, ICGS Rajtarang and ICGS Rajkiran on 14 Jan 2020. Various events were conducted during the visit.

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IDAS and IAS Officers Visit

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IDAS and IAS Officers Visit

National Voters Day Pledge was administered to CG personnel and civilians borne in the CGRHQ (A&N) and units in the Region on 25 Jan 2020.

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National Voters Day

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National Voters Day

Republic Day- 2020 was celebrated by the units under command on 26 Jan 2020. On this auspicious occasion Ceremonial Division and Badakhana were organized onboard units.

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Republic Day Celebration

Intra Region Badminton Championship was organised by CGRHQ(A&N) at SSC training shed, Port Blair on 14 -15 Jan 2020.

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Intra Region Badminton Championship

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Intra Region Badminton Championship